The governing body of Tenerife

Tenerife Island Government

The Tenerife Island Government is a legal administrative entity of the Canary Islands. It is the governing body of Tenerife with specific mandates and jurisdiction in the island. Its maximum representative is the President of Tenerife.

The Parliament and Headquarters of the government Delegation

The government of the Archipelago corresponds to the President of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. The capital of the Canary Islands is shared between the cities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Its mandate alternates between the two provinces by legislative periods. The seat of the Vice-President alternates from the one of the President. The Parliament is in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, while the headquarters of the Government Delegation is located in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and there is also a Subdelegation of the Government in each of the two cities. Likewise, there is a balance between the two capitals in terms of the offices of public ministries and institutions.

Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands

The Island Council of Tenerife, like the other councils of the Canary Islands, has a series of own competences collected in the Estatuto de Autonomía de Canarias as well as a series of powers delegated from the other territorial administration bodies.

Consultative Council of the Canary Islands

The headquarters of the Consultative Council of the Canary Islands, is in the city of San Cristóbal de la Laguna, and it is the supreme body exercising this function in the archipelago.